un secretary-general

Priorities for the appointment of a new Secretary-General

Priorities for the appointment of a new Secretary-General

A few hours after the Security Council announced its decision to recommend António Guterres to be the next UN Secretary-General on 5 October, a 1 for 7 Billion delegation met the new President of the General Assembly, Peter Thomson.

Guterres maintains lead in Security Council straw polls

The UN Security Council held its fourth round of straw polls on 9 September to determine which candidate it will put forward to replace Ban Ki-moon as the next Secretary-General.

This latest round saw the former Prime Minister of Portugal and former head of the UN Refugee Agency, Antόnio Guterres, maintain his lead for the fourth time running.

Today: Secretary-General candidates to take part in first ever televised debate

Ten candidates vying for the position of UN Secretary-General will take part in the first ever televised debate on Tuesday 12 July, broadcast by Al Jazeera. Worldwide audiences will be given an unprecedented opportunity to watch the debate live, as candidates set out their visions for a stronger United Nations, capable of addressing the world's most pressing issues - from civil wars and terrorism, to climate change and forced migration.