Tracking UN Member State support for a feminist woman Secretary-General

1 for 8 Billion has partnered with the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GWP) and the Center for Global Affairs, School of Professional Studies, New York University (NYU CGA) on a research project to create a Statements Tracker that maps Member State support for a feminist woman as the next UN Secretary-General.

The analysis aims to:

  1. Assess the level of advocacy expressed for a woman or feminist woman as the next UNSG;

  2. Distinguish between levels of support among Member States;

  3. Identify key forums or events where such advocacy is articulated; and

  4. Track global momentum by analyzing the number and strength of Member States’ commitments.

The map’s color indicators reflect advocacy strength based on the following categories:

  • Very Strong: The highest level of action-oriented commitment.

  • Strong: Strong advocacy but usually lacking specific action proposals.

  • Indirect: General acknowledgment and endorsement of gender considerations.

  • Opposed: Support for male candidates only or hostility to the advocacy for a women/feminist SG.

  • No Mention: no advocacy for a woman UNSG, or no data.

Read the full methodology here: State Tracker Methodology.

1 for 8 Billion thanks GNWP and NYU CGA for the partnership that led to this tracker.